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Net of Light Gathering

Please join us at this pivotal time on the planet as we gather to cast the Net of Light. Our time together will include the Net of Light meditation, conversation and updates, the Grandmother’s Empowerment, and community fellowship time. Please feel free to bring a snack to share.

We ask you to arrive between 12:30 and 12:55PM. Doors will then be closed as we move into the meditation.

There is never any charge for our Net of Light gatherings; your donations are gratefully received, and enable us to continue to be a container of Love and Light. Please RSVP with Mirabai:; 585.330.9367.

The Great Council of the Grandmothers first appeared in 1996 as Sharon McErlane walked her dog. "The world is in grave danger," they said, "and we will not allow its destruction. For too long Yang or masculine energy, has dominated life on earth, causing feminine energy to become deficient and weak. We have come to restore Yin to full beauty/power and return the world to balance. We are calling you to this work."
To read more about how it started
click here to order the books and to receive our Newsletter click here.

 Hopi prophecy states, "When the wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal," and at last the Grandmothers have come. Today over 200 groups meet around the world to spread their message and teach people how to work with the Net of Light. "The Net of Light," the Grandmothers say, "supports everything in the Universe and will hold the earth steady during the times of change that are upon you now. Work with the radiant Net," they urge, "to support life." We gladly spread their message and charge no money for this work.

July 6

HU DOST - Interdependence Day Concert

August 18

Matt Venuti